About the graphic designer and the love of one’s own work

Developing Visual Worlds
In a workshop with ABE, we developed different visual worlds that could support change in the company. One of them was based on the theme of flying in the broadest sense. In further development of this first impulse, I then landed in the area of space travel. My idea behind this was that the employees of the company in question are already professionals in their field who now only have to learn to fly – just like astronauts.
Scribble Ideas

So I started scribbling a team so that my counterpart could imagine what the project work might look like. It was important to me that this change team be as contemporary and diverse as possible. So there was a female commander, there was an old warhorse with a bionic leg and there was also a little dog, for example.

Captain Future Destroys My Work
#1 Don’t fall in love with your own work
#2 The reverse search

I especially like to do that with logos that I develop. Because here, too, I want to make sure that no one gets something that already exists. To do this, I take a step back and ask myself, have I seen this somewhere before?

Lesson Learned
For example, it is absolutely clear that if I make a logo with a tree, then I will make a tree that I have seen – how I then implement it is of course my work.
Diversity for the Clients
To ensure diversity for the clients in my designs, for example, when I develop crews, I look at stock material, identify the current standard and see where we can make a meaningful intervention. Take superhero teams – that’s usually where the boys outnumber the boys. I then make a team in my work with predominantly female protagonists. But that doesn’t always work out. If you have a client from the construction industry, for example, it is a fact that there is one woman for every 1,000 employees on the construction sites – so it would be absolutely inauthentic and not productive to develop an all-female team for change. You have to look very closely at what the customer needs individually and not just give him something that is currently woke.