The Challenge
Numerous critical documents and references were scattered across various systems and managed inconsistently – making retrieval, collaboration and integration into processes difficult. This posed a time-consuming challenge and risked negative audit findings

The Vision
Consolidation of documents and process-related information onto the centralized “Nimble” platform, seamlessly integrating them into employees’ daily workflows.

The Method
Preliminary data analysis to determine storage volumes and locations. Identification and classification of relevant document types, ways of working and overarching information across all affected department. Setting up a platform using standard structures, layouts and metadata terms. Subsequent training for employees to understand the platform and the migration process. Intensive support during the migration process and departments first steps after the go-live.
The Results
A standardized platform “Nimble”, separated by department and project work, which allows employees quick and easy access to their most important documents through recurring structures, design elements, metadata and a comprehensive search. The use of M365 standard functions enabled full support of existing ways of working and minimal maintenance effort, which trained users can carry out independently.