Working with a central task management – KanBo
Working with a central task managment – KanBo

Task management, for some pure joy, for others a pure challenge. If you are drowning in a chaos of different sized and colored notes, you might want to look for other tools. As always, alternatives also have their advantages and disadvantages, so you should take a good look at what you really expect from such a tool.

My Status quo
I started my working life in the classic way, like probably most people, with handwritten to-do lists flying all over my desk. After some time and the continuous change from home office to office and vice versa, where also the one or the other food note got lost, I switched to digital notes. After using all kinds of colors for different tasks, time frames and tools, I got rid of them as well. Not to mention tasks that I worked on together with my colleagues.
Kanban – KanBo –
I can

When I started at 3kubik, I had never heard of Kanban tools or even the method. Then I got to know KanBo. KanBo, a digital tool for effective task management according to the Kanban method. Here you have the possibility to create and manage an unlimited number of boards for customers, task fields or other areas of working life. On the so-called boards, the task set is managed individually via Kanban methodology. Boards can not only be used internally, but also shared with external users. Thanks to access rights on user level, confidential boards can also be created, for example personnel topics. The view on boards can be customized in Gantt, calendar, analysis, ….. This way, you always have the perfect overview of tasks to be completed, tasks on hold or other buckets that can be individually created and color-coded as well as provided with status information.

Task management with the whole team
The biggest advantage that a board offers is the transparency of tasks. With the cards on the boards, which can be accompanied by any additional information, from notes, task lists, sub-cards, documents, comments with mention by name, … efficient and fast collaboration is guaranteed. I don’t have to talk to my colleagues every time to check a certain status in the project. Checklists, deadlines, necessary documents – all on one card and real-time editing enable virtual exchange.

Overview in case of emergency
An active work with KanBo thus enables colleagues to get a good overview of tasks and projects in case of illness or vacation without having to call in someone from vacation or illness. A glance at the corresponding board is enough to get an overview of the current status.
A different kind of customer card
Even the annoying e-mail ping-pong with customers can finally be a thing of the past. The customers can also access the corresponding boards and thus have access to the current status of the projects at any time. Even more, they can actively participate here.

Last but not least an important advantage for the individual user, you don’t have to search through every board to see what you really have to do. With the so-called “My Board” you have a personalized overview of the tasks that are assigned to you. You can also individualize this board and thus have the possibility to organize yourself without paperwork.
Happy End
I can no longer imagine a working day without KanBo, that much is clear. The added value for task-related work is unbeatable – especially if you only work remotely like we do at 3kubik.