Stadtwerke Langen

Logo Soluvia Energy Services
gezeichnete Figur steht mit ausgestreckter Hand im Regenmantel im Regen

The Challenge

The transformation of knowledge management at Stadtwerke Langen to ensure fast access to information and expertise throughout the organization.

The Vision

Short! aims to revolutionize Stadtwerke Langen’s digital transformation by streamlining access to essential information and fostering a culture of knowledge sharing.

The Method

Close collaboration with key users in workshops and Microsoft training identified needs, including change management sessions resulting in a campaign, new branding, and seamless content migration for platform launch.

The Result

Short! has played a crucial role in aiding Stadtwerke Langen to optimize its processes, fostering improved transparency and enhanced collaboration. Employees now enjoy swifter access to general information, detailed process descriptions and up-to-date information.