Knowledge Management
No Islands of Knowledge.
A Knowledge Atoll!

gezeichnete Figur mit Schutzanzug mit einem Wanderstock über der Schulter mit Kochtop und Beutel mit Zutaten

You have enough knowledge. Just not enough access to it. This is mostly because knowledge management is understood as a detached discipline, wikis are enriched with dead knowledge and no one has ever really understood why so much energy is put into such projects. Because the result is very rarely used. The same applies to intranets. Both are mostly nice to have topics, but somehow everyone wants to have them because they are state of the art. Yet your knowledge is sometimes the most important intangible asset of your company.

Our Services

We create the basis.
You share the knowledge.


Knowledge management concepts from 3kubik are always linked to your collaboration and communication. For us, knowledge is not only the written down process, but much more what happens in the daily work with it. Knowledge has to be checked, enriched by everyday experiences, validated and questioned. It is in the heads of those who work with it on a daily basis, so the people must become the focus of knowledge management, not the wikis and intranets.

With our Digital Workplaces, we ensure that knowledge management becomes an essential part of everyday life. Always available, always complementary and alive.

It goes without saying that we also implement the tools for your knowledge management in the end.

gezeichnete Figur segelt an einem Schirm vom Himmel und hält ein Tablet in der Hand

Transition-out Processes

Are your knowledge keeper about to leave the company? Is the old master who always knew a trick retiring? Then we should talk about how to transfer this knowledge and prepare it for the future in an appealing way. Once you have worked out this concept, it can be copied at will and constantly adapted to new circumstances in the spirit of good knowledge management.

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