Let’s start the adventure of everyday working life.

gezeichnete Figur in Beduinenkleidung mit Surfboard

The return on investment (ROI) of any change stands and falls with the acceptance of your employees. With the help of our change campaigns tailored to you, we arouse interest, create awareness and, step by step, acceptance among your colleagues. This is how we ensure that the New Work project becomes a success all along the line.

Our Services

We plan your campaign.
You make the change.

Change Story

You must be able to tell a story. Otherwise, no one will listen to you. The best strategy, the most beautiful new idea of a common culture, will only be accepted and brought to life as well as it is communicated. That’s why we create a language of change that fits your company, your colleagues and, above all, your goals.

In all measures and media, this story will be the common thread that shows your colleagues that this is not the shot in the dark, but that we are really working on the future.

gezeichnete sandsurfing Figur in Beduinenkleidung


Change management is more than painting colourful pictures. The achievement of new goals is often linked to new ways of doing things. These need to be established. From management training to employee surveys, events, incentives, feedback channels, active listening, making management approachable, establishing new methodologies such as Lean or Design Thinking to Working Out Loud, there are no limits to creativity.

gezeichnete sandsurfing Figur in Beduinenkleidung


A strategically well-planned campaign is the foundation of a positively perceived change. The most important thing is that your colleagues feel that their problems and needs are being met and that the change is being brought to life. We develop a change plan with you and your team, which can then be integrated into the company in a barrier-free, efficient and sustainable way. Depending on the chosen change strategy, the campaign can range from cheeky to sober, loud to whispering.

Internal Influencer | Multiplicators

You achieve real project success when you enable interactions. The key to this success is multipliers. This is because digital change affects all employees, regardless of hierarchical level or prior knowledge. This means that all employees must be reached for a successful change. Multipliers come from your company, and therefore, have a direct line to their colleagues and they live the change. So, it makes sense to involve them directly in projects and let them participate. We help you to find and train your internal influencers. In this way, they become drivers of innovation and motivation in your company and are a valuable support when it comes to your goals.

You wonder if you are brave enough?

Our clients have already survived the expedition:

Logo Mars
Logo Rügenwalder Mühle
Logo Evanglische Landeskirche Würtemberg
Logo KraftHeinz
Logo VW FS
Logo Sigel
Logo Soluvia
Logo Swietelsky
Logo Mnet
Logo ClassiCon
Logo Zech
Logo Gewosi