Let’s do it together!

gezeichnete Figur als Bergsteiger mit helm, Siel und Spitzkacke

Collaboration, cooperation, partnership – whatever you call it, it is the real heart of your business. The way people work together at your company, the smoothness with which your processes run, the performance of your tools and the resulting innovative power are what put you ahead in the market. Collaboration has been our hobbyhorse since day one and, together with communication consulting, it is the field in which we have the most references.

Together with you, we create new worlds of cooperation at eye level. Transparency and efficiency are our guiding principles. Whether you want to work on better cross-location collaboration in a multinational or on your operational output in a small team – we create the right concept including mindset with you and implement it directly in the Digital Workplace and/or your physical offices.

Our Services

Our passion – your teamwork of tomorrow.

Ways of Working Concepts

How do you actually work today, what prevents you from realising your full potential and which concept could help you to experience a satisfying working day? These are the relevant questions for your business success and optimised collaboration.

From the analysis, we derive possible options for action. It doesn’t always have to be one of the hyped topics like Lean, Agile etc. that helps you. As a rule, it is your teams themselves who know best how things could be done better. We provide impulses, help to broaden horizons with our wealth of experience and, together with you, find the right working style and the corresponding digital and analogue tools.

gezeichnete Figur steht auf einem Stein mit Trekkingrucksaxk

Creating team and organisational structures

New ways of working often no longer fit traditional organisational models. That’s why the question of your goals is always accompanied by the question of how far we can go. One thing must be clear.

Real change for the better must not have any taboos. According to your goals, operational models, organisational structures, hierarchies and responsibility models can be questioned and renewed.

gezeichnete Figur mit Machete in der Hand

Home Office | Office | Flex Models

We all learned in the Corona Pandemic that sitting together in the office is no longer the only truth. Simply sending everyone to the home office doesn’t usually work either. Together with you, we find the perfect model, find out whether new working time models are necessary and set up rules that ensure that one thing always works, even in a constantly changing environment: Your team spirit, your cooperation and the tools provided for it. No matter who has to work when, where and with whom. Unified communication and collaboration are the key to sustainable success.

gezeichnete Figur steht auf einem Stein mit Trekkingrucksaxk

Intranets as a platform for new collaboration

An intranet can have an infinite number of forms: As a hub or platform, it can be the entry point into the digital working world of a company. As a news platform, it can replace emails. As a reference work, it serves some for knowledge management. But what exactly your intranet must be able to do, we first find out together and on the basis of your colleagues’ needs.

In our vision, the intranet is definitely a motor for accelerating the digital transformation of companies, a starting point for diverse processes and, because it centralises overarching processes, a popular way to start the working day. The fact that news, instructions, colleagues and organisational structures, perhaps even the company history and values can be found here, is probably standard anyway.

But an intranet can do more. It can become the hub of a company, make boundaries between departments disappear, show cooperation on a living example and be an easier entry into the complex digitalisation of complete departmental working methods.

You wonder if you are brave enough?

Our clients have already survived the expedition:

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Logo Rügenwalder Mühle
Logo Evanglische Landeskirche Würtemberg
Logo KraftHeinz
Logo VW FS
Logo Sigel
Logo Soluvia
Logo Swietelsky
Logo Mnet
Logo ClassiCon
Logo Zech
Logo Gewosi