Digital Workplace
Off to new worlds of work

gezeichnete Figur steht auf einem Stein mit Trekkingrucksaxk

Many footpaths and trails are so muddy – especially during the rainy season – that you cannot make any progress on them. The only sensible solution in such difficult trail conditions: Switch to digital horses! You can have a fair amount of respect for these huge animals. But they are trusting and you quickly build up trust with them.

When the realisation of corporate goals stagnates and the topics of competitiveness and digitalisation become louder and louder, the pressure grows to find out what opportunities this topic offers for one’s own company. Digitalisation involves more than the mere existence of tools.
gezeichneter Digitaler Roboter der auf 5 Beinen steht und Antennen hat

Holistic digital concepts consider working methods, culture, collaboration and communication.

They put people at the centre and help to release potentials and innovations to make new goals achievable. The modernity and attractiveness of your new, digital workplace are real drivers for you and your employees.

Together into the future

Once a suitable strategy has been developed, it needs to be implemented in a meaningful and practical way. To this end, we examine existing processes for their operability. We don’t want to overload the employees of a company with new tools and processes, but rather keep what is good and make the less good, better. Therefore, our first question is always: “Where is the shoe pinching?” Together with the team, we identify obstacles and weak points in the process and ask for their own ideas for suggestions for improvement. After all, no one knows their daily work and the company as well as the employees at the grassroots level.
Based on this, we focus on making work easier for each individual team member and the whole group/department. To do this, we put the existing processes through their paces to identify weaknesses and risks. In the next step, we harmonise and standardise these processes. Then we create workflows characterised by automation and integrate them into higher-level processes. In doing so, we look very closely – we show the connections to other processes, departments or colleagues and clarify whether there is a need for action here. Of course, this is not possible without technology. But here, too, we first survey the status quo. Because new is not always better. Then we analyse, evaluate and develop (new) technical solutions that meet the needs of the employees. It is important to us that the team experiences added value, so we never tire of describing and explaining the future viability of the technologies used.

New is not always better.

Especially when it comes to expanding the technical portfolio in a department, a mediator between the worlds is needed. One of our most important tasks is therefore to act as a link between the respective departments and internal IT.

Despite all the process optimisation and technical finesse – it is the employees who use the technology and fill the processes with life. A successful digital change can only succeed if we give customers and employees a feeling for the use of a technical tool. So, in our change campaigns, we always take the entire department with us from the beginning to work out the technical advantages together and put them in relation to the old way of working/process. In other words: We want the future users to see technology as an opportunity and not as an excessive demand. That’s why we don’t leave them alone. In regular training sessions and workshops, we explain the technical use and accompany the continuous development of the tools and processes.

gezeichnete Figure auf dem Bauchliegend vor einer Wand aus Bildschirmen
Person sitzt mit Laptop am einem Holzpicknicktisch im Wald

Changemanagement is Teamwork

Despite all the process optimisation and technical finesse – it is the employees who use the technology and fill the processes with life. A successful digital change can only succeed if we give customers and employees a feeling for the use of a technical tool. So, in our change campaigns, we always take the entire department with us from the beginning to work out the technical advantages together and put them in relation to the old way of working/process. In other words: We want the future users to see technology as an opportunity and not as an excessive demand. That’s why we don’t leave them alone. In regular training sessions and workshops, we explain the technical use and accompany the continuous development of the tools and processes.

Ihr fragt Euch ob Ihr mutig genug seid?

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